
Liu Xinran nodded in the heart that idea also fell. It shouldn’t be him! …… "Little Brother B" Yu Zhuang’s face was red and he handed me an invitation. "At the end of the month, it’s my brother’s wedding day, and I hope Brother Xiao B will be present." "Congratulations!" Zhou Yi took the invitation […]

Yu Weichao was stupid when he cried.

"Luckily, you organized a terrorist attack." Chen Yi patted his forehead and said, "Are you awake?" "I’m a scholar. You can’t do this to me." Chen Yi pointed around and said, "Do you look around like a place where scholars stay?" “但是……” “自力更生你可高土著一等但你必须低我一等你白?” 就像是俞伟超自己所言他是个文人虽然自己觉得生活痛苦人生趣但他实际没有遇到过痛苦生活趣倒是真……突然来到一个不残酷不真实世界怎么都拐不过弯来 “白吗?”陈易又问了一句 “白了”俞伟超垂头来他总算不是纯粹知识分“那现在该怎么办?” “这不是该我问你吗?”陈易笑了一道“我们要建一个桥头堡真桥头堡” “桥头堡?” 陈易指指土著们说“劳动力”他又指指地货物说“报酬” 俞伟超恍然大悟道“要建在哪里?” “这是你工了” 陈易吸了一口气不知道自己是否选对了人顾忌安就不能挑选能力过强野心过大俞伟超算是一个廉价便宜代效果如却有待考察 他掰着手指道“你要完成三项主要第一建立有一定防御力桥头堡;第二招募当地土著我所;第三培养当地人商业和行习惯就目前而言三项同等重要你需要什么资源?” …… 第二百二十七章 […]

Goethe pulled out a dagger and conveniently put a lit explosive into this "flesh and blood" mouth and then rushed straight at the pine hotel. He had already seen the three "flesh and blood believers" who left before.

Similarly, the three "flesh and blood believers" also saw Goethe. You can’t afford to fall on the ground just when you scream, captain "Kill him!" A "flesh-and-blood believer" roared, and two companions rushed towards Goethe. And then … The roar changed, and it screamed with pain. A handful of lime covered the face and pasted […]

"Oh, you may not know that Star City can change into a giant mobile armor of a famous star machine god. Some of you seven people can be combined into a fixed part of mobile armor." Gu Qingshan explained.

"So what part of my composition is it?" Zhang Yunwen "There are people in the head, hands, feet, and breasts. All you need is your hips!" Gu Qingshan primly way Zhang Yun doesn’t talk. Hip? How dare you make me form a hip? A wave of terror rose from him. Gu Qingshan’s interest image was […]

"It’s the second time that the energy cycle filling system of the runner is right. You haven’t seen that weapon yet!" Parents just remembered that it seemed that researcher Xu was in charge of some of them and had not seen the appearance. "Camel, show Xiao Xu the crutches!"

Gao He didn’t dare to neglect his luggage, but he didn’t dare to move it to his left hand and take out a cane in his right hand to show it to researcher Xu. However, it is obvious that researcher Xu’s attention is not crutches. She has been carrying this weapon for some time. She […]

The bearer’s surname is more than 50 years old, but only nine years old. It is said that he married Xue’s daughter before joining Xiaolang Island, and he was not very concerned about practice.

"Brother Zhou is also here." See Zhou Jia bearer face pan excited nasty pull behind two young people way "You two come and meet Elder Mo and Uncle Zhou." "Elder Mo!" "Uncle Zhou!" Young people’s voice is crisp and faint, with a little disregard for their age, all of them are around seventeen and all […]