On the battlefield of Mars, Terran teams may be a little dirty or conflict because they belong to six joint zones.

But they all happen in great secrecy. It is extremely rare for a traitor like Millings to directly attack a Terran team. Traitor! Many people have thought of this word. Traitor! Terrans have traitors! Such as members of the dawn redemption traitor organization! "Have the ability to save people first!" Luo Mu growled "Confirm the […]

"Oh, you may not know that Star City can change into a giant mobile armor of a famous star machine god. Some of you seven people can be combined into a fixed part of mobile armor." Gu Qingshan explained.

"So what part of my composition is it?" Zhang Yunwen "There are people in the head, hands, feet, and breasts. All you need is your hips!" Gu Qingshan primly way Zhang Yun doesn’t talk. Hip? How dare you make me form a hip? A wave of terror rose from him. Gu Qingshan’s interest image was […]

"What is this? Wait, why are there so many sword tricks? And the sword array! " Young Gu Qingshan spirit force swept away surprised way

"This is an oversized jade slip, please remember it first" Gu Qingshan said. Young Gu Qingshan did not hesitate to copy the jade slips quickly. After a while He opened his eyes. "Remember?" "I remember everything." Gu Qingshan freaky hand bag back. "You can’t take it with you, it will get you into trouble," he […]

Boom ! !

Gorgeous, colorful, full of copper smell, Jin Shanshan, silver bright, dazzling light filled the whole white world. 顾青山所这一端立刻就被压了去 整个白世界破碎 隐隐约约中响起了一道凄惨叫 “什么……我连再放宝物去都来不……” “这不公平!” 音带着几分不甘渐渐消失 顾青山急忙大问道“喂你告诉我他几个怪物会不会这个术?” 他音回荡虚中久久没有回应 他好奈耸耸肩自言自语道“算了能送一个人头已经很幸运了不能祈求太多” 战神界面飞速亮起一行行萤火小字 “——你跳过了第二个虚怪物万地母杀死了第三个怪物虚规则制定者” “说虚规则制定者是五个目标中最让人头疼这几乎是不可能完成事但由于它愚蠢极竟然跟某位财富女王小奶狗比拼财富所走了必死路” “评价它死得轻于鸿毛” “如所述你一滴汗都没有出就杀死了它” “你获得了三亿点魂力” “虚战神路进行调整进入第三个阶段” “你必须找到一个虚怪物万地母” “请注意这是虚怪物中王者是虚地神死敌” “干掉它” “示你已经击杀五个目标中两个现还剩三个目标你就可获得名号‘虚战神’” 顾青山飞速看完 这时四周白世界消失殆尽 突然一股极强悍力量凭产生这股力量拽住顾青山突破了这一片即将消失世界 Gu Qingshan was dragged into the void and kept moving in a distant direction. He’s […]

Life guangcheng, red essence, jade tripod reality, Tao Tian Zun four people came to pay, "you four people, but when we entered the array, there was a golden bridge rising in front of the hexagrams. You four rushed into the encirclement to offer this sword first."

It turned out that the sword he taught was not ours, so the evil karma was also. " He also said to the teeth, "Anyone who meets us in the future can enter the array to finish the disaster." Tooth got the decree to Lu Peng to pay the humanitarian "Japan broke the Wanxian array, […]