"Min, I’m going to wander around your house and rest." Luca brasi got up holding Xiao Yu Min’s hand.
"I’ll go too," Shinohara Min got up and said.
"Did you just … have the strength?" Yuan Xuan looked worried.
"I don’t trust you alone to know that you are going to be a mother," said Xiao Yumin.
Yuan Xuan’s face darkened.
She is going to be a mother.
Three months, baby. Three months.
Pingtan Tangen can’t see that there is a little life in it.
"Well," Yuan Xuan took a look at Shinohara Min and she understood Shinohara Min’s concern. "Then you hurry up and change your clothes and I’ll wait for you in the living room."
Xiao Min ordered a little haper114.
"Did you just … have the strength?" Yuan Xuan looked worried.
"I don’t trust you alone to know that you are going to be a mother," said Xiao Yumin.
Yuan Xuan’s face darkened.
She is going to be a mother.
Three months, baby. Three months.
Pingtan Tangen can’t see that there is a little life in it.
"Well," Yuan Xuan took a look at Shinohara Min and she understood Shinohara Min’s concern. "Then you hurry up and change your clothes and I’ll wait for you in the living room."
Shinohara min nodded his head.
Xiao Min changes clothes quickly.
Ten minutes is less than?
Yuan Xuan is sitting alone on the sofa, and the cortex is cold. She is used to that kind of cold.
"All right, let’s go."
Shinohara Min is dressed like a confused girl, and the heavy makeup of the dancers makes Shinohara Min even more enchanting.
In the confused color, the wine is red and the light is green, and a group of exposed women are clinging to men.
Xiao Yu Min and Yuan Xuan went in.
Maybe I haven’t been there for a long time. It seems that not many people recognize them.
Of course, they are not necessary to be remembered by them.
It was the two of them who looked at them with greedy eyes when they walked in. They didn’t mind.
Sit by the bar
"Xiao Yi" Xiao Min greeted the visitor.
"Good Palace Master and Deputy Palace Master"
Yuan Xuan waved her hand and said, "Don’t tell us how many times the palace master and the deputy palace master have said a glass of blue rose and a glass of sunny … What do you want?"
Xiao Yu-min pondered and corrected, "Xiao Yi’s blue rose will not make you give Yuan Xuan a glass of fruit wine. I want a glass of blood smoke to confuse the color."
"No, I just want blue and bright!" Yuan Xuan does not comply.
"Don’t also want you to know …"
"Yes, yes, yes, I know I’m going to give up drinking!" Luca brasi grace for shinohara min to say
There’s just one more kind in my stomach!
If you have any scruples, you will be pregnant, and she will be pregnant. I don’t care if Shinohara Min has any worries.
Shinohara Min looked around at the stage dancers.
Some people jump from stage to stage, obsessing over those rich men.
Shinohara min and Luca brasi looked at all this and couldn’t help but reveal a sarcastic smile.
Yuan Xuan’s sarcasm deepened when she saw the corner.
I don’t know why so many people like the corner!
Is it because people won’t see it in the corner? Hmm. How interesting
I also asked why I can’t be together, but now I am Wen Yuhuai.
Shinohara min looked down at Luca brasi’s eyes.
Ouyang Dongjie and Lan Bing sit on the sofa in the corner at night.
Two enchanting women stick to their bodies. Lan Bing night is for her to climb.