"I’m not afraid of being followed by such a man after I’ve been a sovereign. How can I be afraid?" Sue cotton laughingly looked at him and said
There is no one who doesn’t like to hear good things, especially those who are closest to him and like him best.
Yan Gui is very happy in her heart. What she has always expected of him is that he wants her to really understand him.
"There are cotton and cotton, and there are cotton and cotton." If I become the emperor of the eternal flow, you will also be the queen of the eternal flow
"Then I won’t be afraid." Su Mian grabbed Yan Gui’s hand and said, "What should I do if I’m so excited?"
Her eyes are bright, her lips seem more rosy, and the whole person seems to exude a charming and attractive atmosphere.
Yan Gui knows nothing about other people and knows her like the back of her hand.
Holding her, she stood up and said, "Excessive excitement will also hurt the king."
"Report is really bad. It’s a serious nonsense." Su Mian leaned his neck and kissed his face with a smile.
"Mianmian" Yan Gui looked at her as she walked with her, and then she gave a cry and smiled gently.
This Su Mian is silly, knowing in his heart that Yan Gui is deliberately unable to resist his smile! But I just like it! I love it!
The small bags are coming in and being turned away by indigo naturalis.
Indigo heart, don’t disturb the masters. So many people want to hook up with the report. This can’t be bad. Chapter 46 Wan Qing
Because of the illness of Empress Dowager Xiwen, she abdicated again or let Yan return to the sidewalk. "It doesn’t matter if Empress Dowager Xiwen is seriously ill."
I’m clear. I’m sick and suffering, so why don’t you take advantage of it? It’s really no hurry to suffer him
Therefore, the officials are not so opposed. It is also their blessing to have such a kind emperor.
Let’s not talk about the first emperor. Anyway, the first emperor is a good man. Whatever you say is fine, but the first emperor is not!
It was only two years from the first emperor’s succession to his death, but there was nothing for the officials in these two years
Therefore, the officials who dispersed in the dynasty were also willing to say a few words to the regent’s cronies.
Of course, Zhang Taifu is still "recovering from illness", but he is really ill or embarrassed.
"General flurry young talent" Lu empire hand way with a smile.
"I dare not be a rough horse, but how can I be more qualified than Lu Yushi?" High wind said with a smile
"Ah, several generals are in Athens! Feng Ling is also young! "
Feng Ling is now not the Regent’s pro-guard, but also the Yanjing City’s 200,000 military forces. After that, these military forces will be the Yanjing City Guard, and Feng Ling will be the first person to control the entire Yanjing City’s military forces, although now he is a three generals and pro-guard.
Everyone knows that it is certain that the Regent will succeed to the throne now.
In the latter position, I also want to divide my family into Su family and Wan family, and even a Pei family.
But I don’t have to say this minister, not to mention the old family, and these heavily armed generals in the upstart are bound to have a seat
Even the officials are afraid of gongsunsu, and someone always strikes up a conversation.
"The generals haven’t had a good rest since they returned to Beijing. Why don’t I treat the generals to a banquet?" Lu empire laughed
"It’s just that Wei’s adult is also a sovereign. If the sovereign is invited, why don’t we invite him?" The academician courtyard Du Zhongqi laughed
"It is! Wei’s adult, please. "Lu Yushi said.
The flurry, the breeze, the jade, the gongsunsu, these are the four first to return to Beijing. After all, Fengcheng is very important, and most of them have to be guarded first.
"Respect is better than doing it" Feng Ling laughed.
These exchanges are necessary. They are no longer bodyguards. Now these officials have a very important attitude.
Who wants to be criticized by the officials after the throne?